Grey Squirrel (sciurus carolinensis)
The Grey squirrel was deliberately introduced from North America several times between 1876 and 1929. They now have spread through main land England and Wales. The grey Squirrel is highly adaptable living in broad leaf trees conifers mixed woodland, even can be found in copses and hedgerows. It is common to see them in urban areas where they live in parks and gardens or where there are trees.
Grey Squirrels are rodents having the characteristic incisors that continue to grow all there lives, with an outer layer of enamel that makes the incisors a very good cutting tool.
Grey Squirrels build nests (or drey’s) usually built with twigs and leaves in the forks of trees. They may use hollows of trees known as dens. They also can live and build nests in the roof space of houses. These are used for shelter and to rear there young.
Grey Squirrels usually have 2 litters per year. first litters are born in February and March. Second litters are born in June and July. Average litter size is 3 but can range from 1 to 7.
Grey Squirrel (sciurus carolinensis)
Grey Squirrels can cause a serious amount of damage if they enter your roof space. They get in by climbing the walls or jumping in from nearby trees. Once in they will chew woodwork, strip insulation off wires and through the wire. Tear up fibreglass insulation to form a drey.
They can also cause a lot of damage in your garden by eating buds as they grow and stripping bark off your beloved trees usually beech and sycamore. They will also take fruit strawberries, apples and plums from your garden. They have also been known to take eggs out of nests of small birds.
Wyre Forest Pest Control are experts in grey squirrel control and removal.
Wyre Forest Pest Control guarantees all treatments, we offer a professional service with a quick response time.
Please phone to arrange your survey or for expert advice, 01562 747210 or 07890048362